Monday, July 4, 2011


Does the Chinook Book (formerly Blue Sky Guide) coupon book really save you money?

The short answer is yes - provided you remember to use the coupons. A couple of thoughts on the economics of the Chinook book:

  1. The Chinook Book is NOT the 2011 version of the Happenings Coupon book. It may be easy to confuse the Chinook book with other giant coupon books sold for various fundraising efforts. And while there are similarities - namely coupons, the big difference from my perspective is that the Chinook book only features local businesses and businesses committed to sustainable practices. So in the lingo of economists, there are positive externalities to the coupons (positive side benefits).

  2. Each book costs $20 (we got our three on sale for $16 a piece). We save at least that amount in grocery store coupons on purchases we were going to make anyways. When you add in hardware store, bike shop, wedding gifts from Patina and dining purchases we would have made anyways, the savings more than compensates for purchases we wouldn't have made without a coupon. Each book probably saves us at least $50 if not closer to a $100.
The trick of course is to remember that you have coupons. We keep one of our three copies in the car.

If each book saves you $50 to $100, why did you buy only 3? Good question.

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